Com a loucura da Black Friday a chegar, deixamos-lhe aqui algumas dicas de como poupar neste dia!
7 dicas para o ajudar a poupar nas férias!
Com o verão a aproximar-se é fácil começar a pensar nas suas férias, mas não deixe que esta altura do ano desequilibre as suas finanças. Para o ajudar a controlar os gastos nas suas férias, deixamos-lhe aqui algumas dicas para aproveitar ao máximo sem se descontrolar.
These tips will help you get your House Loan approved
O processo de um Crédito Habitação pode ser stressante. Hoje deixamos-lhe algumas dicas que podem aumentar a probabilidade de aprovação do mesmo!
5 Advantages of hiring a Credit Intermediary
Está a iniciar o processo de aquisição ou construção de uma casa? Esta é uma boa altura para contactar um intermediário de crédito!
The credit card is not a bogeyman!
The offer of credit cards by banking entities is vast and while on the one hand there are those who strongly embrace this financial option, there are those who abhor it.
Tips to save money in 2024
2024 has just started and that means you have 12 months of opportunities to save. Having control over our expenses is one of the main factors, but there is more.
Don't let Christmas be an excuse for excessive shopping
Christmas is coming and are you already counting on the gifts you have to buy? See the tips we have for you.
You have until the end of the year to use your retirement savings plan to redeem your House Loan
The government approved some measures, namely the possibility of using your PPR to amortize or settle your mortgage loan.
Default on Housing Credit: Banks had 690 properties in their portfolio
In the second quarter of the year, banks still had 690 homes in foreclosure. The misfortune of some may be an investment opportunity for others.
Interest Moratorium: To join or not to join?
The moratorium that states the fixing of house loan for two years and which became official on November 2nd has caused a lotof talking.